What is Acupuncture Therapy used for?
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years as a way of maintaining health. There are tens of thousands of clinical trials and research studies supporting its efficacious practice. In China, acupuncture has been widely used and is still used today as a way of treating many different health conditions. With it’s proven effectiveness, we now see Acupuncture being used around the world, with additional studies performed in numerous European countries such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom. Even here in the US, current studies are consistently being released, showing new conditions that Acupuncture can be used to treat, as well as different ways that this tried-and-true therapy can benefit the body
Balance the Body
Relax the Mind
Restore Energy
How Much Does Acupuncture Cost?
Balance Your Body and Speed Recovery Today!
Best Acupuncture Near Me
Not all acupuncturists are the same, and it’s important that you work with one that is helping you achieve the goals you have set. Another common question is “Is your Acupuncture near me”? Our clinic is location in South Denver. We are one of the top acupuncture near Wash Park. If that is convenient, we would be happy to see how we can help you reach the health goals you have set.
This will be a little different for each person. If you are coming in with an acute injury or recent symptom, it is not uncommon that we will do twice a week for a couple of weeks, then once a week for a couple weeks. If people are feeling good and wanting to maintain their results, we commonly have people come in once a month.
We want to see some improvement pretty quickly. Most people can see results within the first or second treatment. If we are not seeing any change after 3 treatments, then we may need to work together to find another option. I’m not saying that you’ll be fixed in 3 treatments, but we should definitely be seeing a change going in that direction.
We are located at 1073 South Pearl St Denver Colorado 80209. The West Wash Park Neighborhood next to the Whole Foods.
This will be different for each person. We have a package of 6 sessions that works well for acute injuries and more recent symptoms. If it is more of a chronic condition, or if you want to buy a whole year of once a month treatments to save money, we have a package of 12 treatments too.
Most Acupuncturists will have an area that they specialize in. I do a lot of sports injury and orthopedic treatments. Acupuncture can also help quite a bit with improving sleep and digestions. There are some practioners that will specialiZe in autoimmune and fetility as well. Acupuncture has been a main form of medicine for thousands of years in Asia and parts of Europe. If you have a question regarding a specific condition, please don’t hesitate to reach out.